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Calling all moms, especially those new to Down syndrome!

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Let me start by congratulating you! Regardless of your journey, you are now responsible for a beautiful human being. You are probably a bit sleep deprived, longing for those regular showers we so naively took for granted and, let's be honest, a bit overwhelmed. I know how lost you can feel when you first get the diagnosis, when you take your child home, when you realize it's all on you. (Shout out to those amazing partners and our surrounding support system - we see you!!!)

We've all been there. My light at the end of the tunnel was the other moms. These brave, tired (sometimes faceless) souls had no free time or energy, but still made the effort to answer my posts, my texts and my calls.

It’s been my greatest honor to pay it forward and help out new families navigate this new world. It was one of the main drivers behind my involvement in founding GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego.

Now, after many years “in the game”, I’ve decided to take the time and organize all my mom hacks and knowledge gained, hoping it will be helpful to you. I’ve created this group in the hopes of reaching out more moms who need support, guidance and lots of love!

Feel free to reach out always, you are not alone!

También hablo español por si tienes alguna pregunta!

*These are my opinions and views. Please always consult with your therapists, doctors and the rest of your medical team. My expertise is on my child, through my own personal life experiences. And remember, in a world where you can be anything, always be kind!

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